Sunday, January 25, 2009

I wrote about moving Katie and after reviewing it I thought I should explain that it was not a letter of complaint, rather a review of how things never seem to go smoothly for my oldest.  No matter how much planning takes place or how prepared things seem,  Murphy's law abounds.  In life there are people who always appear to have everything they want and whatever they desire seems to fall in place for them.  I may have passed along a bad luck gene. Perhaps the stars are not aligned. I guess everyone feels this happens to them sometimes. It just happens to her 95% of the time. I try to figure out the why of it and have not been enlightened as yet.  
I do know that she possesses a wealth of courage and gumption. She strives for her dreams. No matter what happens and how bad the situation may seem she picks herself up and moves on. I think there is a lesson in that for us.  Life rarely goes the way we envision it. It twists and turns, bringing us joy and at times despair. I have learned through watching her to never give up but forge on ahead. Life is an adventure if we let it be.

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