My Mothers Hands
I like to think of my mother's hands
when they were young
How her fingers would intertwine
with my dad's hands
Her left hand on the day
My dad placed a ring on her finger
And promised to love her forever
And he does.
Her hands prepared his food
And washed his clothes
And gave love without end
Her hands helped to build
The house they lived in
And made that house a home
Those gentle hands greeted us
As we came into this world
And we came to know the touch of love
Her hands fed us, washed us and
Changed our diapers
They encouraged us to walk
Into her ever open arms
Her hands hugged us
When we needed love
Corrected us when they needed to
Tenderly they touched our fevered brow
Soothing away our discomfort
I wonder how many meals they cooked
Or the number of dishes and
clothes they washed
Her hands cleaned our home
Working their entire life
I never remember a complaint
When I think of those hands
How much they gave
I am amazed
Now I think of those hands
Aged with time
They will never reach out to me
Again on this earth
In my heart and mind
They will always touch me
with the memory of their love
when I die and leave this earth
Those hands will once again
Gather me into her arms
Then will my heart be whole again
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